Sunday, March 18, 2018


Hi Honey!  How are you?  The computer tells me that you're a big star today.  Well you're a star to my heart, you are MY girl, you are beautiful to me, and I love you.  You must be busy, so I hope you are getting plenty of rest and eating sensibly.  It's Sunday here for me.  Just another Sunday.  I clean my mother's bedroom every Sunday, but at least the ground was nice and moist from the rain the other day so I didn't have to water the plants.  I will have to tomorrow, though.  Hot day today.  Otherwise, nothing special.  Just a lot of motorcycles.

Nattikins, you're so cute!  That looks like a college student's apartment to me.  You're so pretty though.  When are you going to Europe?  Please have lots of fun while you are there.  If you're staying home, then study hard my dearest, and do well at school OK?