Friday, March 2, 2018

Staying indoors ( I wish I had AC)

Hi Honey!  How are you feeling today, my darling?  It's just another busy day here today, but I didn't feel the work so much because I stayed mostly indoors- no manual labor!  Yay!  Yeah, I had to water the plants.  It is the dry season, after all.  So I did that right after the dawn prayer, when it was bright enough to see.  It's been so hot and sweltering, even at that time in the morning I had to take my shirt off to work.  But otherwise, I stayed indoors.  I'm preparing for this big presentation I have to do tomorrow, and I'm just making sure everything is running smoothly and as perfect as possible.  I don't normally do this kind of presentation, I just felt that this particular one is important.  Feelings!  Should a love song have a heavy beat and be powerful?  I have always felt that a love song should have the entire spectrum of emotion in it, such as anger, hate, frustration, despair etc. as well as all the positive things, and the music should match that.  But this time I feel that rappers are going to steal my beat.  Oh whatever.  But it's so hot, that my mousse melts before I get a chance to photograph it!  I wish I had AC!  I'll try again after I write this letter.

Hey Natty Honey!  Thanks for sticking around.  You are so gorgeous, you could sink your hooks into any guy and he would kill himself pulling you up.  Hey, the computer has chosen another movie for you to watch today.  From 1983, "Trading Places".  This is one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.  Look at that S car go!