Monday, July 23, 2018

The she-camel of Allah

Hi Honey!  Sorry I'm running a little late today.  Late dinner, and lots of running around during the day.  Not that I can actually run around a lot, with these big feet of mine.  I was driving around, running errands.  I assume you are very busy.  Busy, with a lot of details to attend to.  I noticed you filtered out a lot of your followers.  That's still a big chore, what with 872k followers.  I'm happy you are keeping busy, and I'm sure you are more social and public than you make yourself out to be to me.  I love you with all my heart, and I want you to be happy, with me and with your work.

Hey Natty Honey!  Are you back home yet?  Please travel safely.  I'm sure after this safari you just had, you'll be back to business.  Please take good care of yourself and the beauty that God gave you.  Make as much money while you can.  I will be at the computer a lot in the next few days, writing music.  That's what I will do after this letter.

Check out this video.  I represent the female.