Saturday, April 4, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150405

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It had been a 3 month long dry season, when the rains finally came.  Alhamdulillah.  I was about to make a batch of dough after the sunset prayer, when my kitchen became inundated with flying ants.  There was a huge cloud of them swarming at the light.  Oh no!  I can't make dough with all that going on!  So I shut all the lights off except the outside light, and went to practice my guitar.  So at 9:30 pm, I saw that the ants were done with their business and my kitchen was clear, and it was clear outside as well.  I turned the light back on and proceeded to make dough.  When I was about half way through, all the flying ants came back!

Floofy wasn't happy with me for allowing her son to get punched in the eye.  But he chose it!  He didn't want my help!  So she turned her back on me for a whole day, and refused to eat.  I had to go and get her, and put her in front of the food for her to take a few pellets.  Later on she calmed down and ate all her food, but is that how you would treat me if I didn't intervene in your son's fights to his advantage?  You do realize that not only would I be the shortest in the family, but also out age everybody else by at least 23 years?  I'm going to have to bring a rocket launcher to every one of your son's contests.  What if he were in a basketball team?  Do you want me to blow up all his competition?

Well that aside, I ask you again to please be patient with me as I am patient with you in the nature of our work.  Rock stars and supermodels.  If you have any concerns, please voice them to me, as I always look out for you.  I love you Erin, and I need you.