Friday, March 10, 2017


Yes, you are a woman.  I will love you, and take you as mine.  InshaAllah, I will marry you, give you your own house, feed and clothe you and our children, and I will help protect you but Allah is the Best to Protect.  We will shop together, we will cook together, we will eat together, we will plant food crops and flowers together, we will spend our nights together.  You can be with me when I sing every day, if it doesn't put you to sleep.  You will find me there with you, working on my laptop while you do whatever it is you do.  We will go on long hikes together, or rather you can run and I'll be on the motorcycle right beside you, and if you get too lazy to run then we can go get ice cream instead.  And after we turn out the light and fall asleep, you can crawl onto the floor with me.  I will do all this with you, inshaAllah.  I will gaze uppn your face and thank God for how beautiful you are.

You are not every woman in the world to me, you are my wife inshaAllah.  So I have to turn away from all other women in the world in favor of you, because you are my wife.  Except my mother, of course.