Grace, it seems to me that you have a choice to make at such a tender young age. You must choose whether you want to be "more of the same", or you can choose to kick everybody else's asses. When you kick their asses, they're not going to like that. The only people who would like that are the people who love you and your music. How to get to that level? For you, it's easy. Jam along with Mary when she sings, with knowledge that you will marry into the job. InshaAllah.
When it comes to guitar players, eyes turn to the West. Even though we have YouTube today, if you were to ask a guitarist from any country, "Who's the best local guitar player?" they would answer something like "Joe Satriani" or "Eric Johnson" (that poor guy will have to play "Cliffs of Dover" everyday for his entire life). Jeff Beck isn't really known for the songs he wrote. I feel his greatest contribution to music is his right hand technique. I pick with the tip of my right index finger, I got that from Jeff. He stopped doing that, though. Jeff is one of those guys when people who know guitar listen to his playing, they would say, "That's Jeff Beck".
Life is for the living,
Death is for the dead.
Let life be music
And death a note unsaid.