Monday, March 22, 2021



Hi Natty!  How's your crazy and glamorous life today, oh fabulous supermodel?  It's been a busy day for me, beginning 4 am.  Yet I had made plans to do yard work, but then a whole lot of fish came up and after that I got overwhelmed with laziness.  Or fatigue, if you will.

I took my mother to the hospital in the morning.  After that, we went to the market downtown.  I bought fish balls and fresh tofu for myself and that's what I've been eating all day, right now in fact.  Healthy food!  I did need to buy more fish for Adolf Kitler's food because male cats can't eat salt, so I went to the night market to see what kind of deal they had there.  6 kilos of fresh mackerel for RM 10!  Can't beat that, even in the old days.  The trouble is, I have no room in my freezer.  I have an ancient cooler that used to belong to my mother, I remember it from when I was 7 years old, which makes it almost 50 years old.  It still works great, so praise be to Allah!  Back in those days, they didn't think about building in obsolescence.  The freezer compartment frosts up regularly, so I have to defrost it regularly but it's no big deal once you get used to it.  It's so small though, I didn't think I could fit all that fish in there.  My brother didn't want any fish, and my mother was hiding so I assume she doesn't want any either.  But after emptying it out, I managed to fit all that fish in there plus shove some of the other foods in the cracks.  Say Natty, would you like some fish?