Monday, April 16, 2018

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Whew!  These extra workouts are very taxing on one's heart.  Just primping myself in readiness for you, my love.  Wow, you are beautiful.  I guess my idea is to keep the blood flowing, as to avoid and combat atrophy,  One thing's for sure, I cannot be subjected to a lot of physical labor in the morning as it affects my singing in the afternoon.  You know those frogs you hear in singers' throats?  That's mostly fatigue.  Like the stereotype goes, I need to be lazing about and taking it easy before I sing.  And this singing is mashaAllah my, yours, and many other people's bread and butter.  How are you doing, Honey?  How's business?  I hope everything is going nice and dandy for you.

Hey Natty Honey!  Wassap, beautiful girl?  Today the computer wants you to watch a foreign film.  Well, over here it's local.  "Seniman Bujang Lapok" from 1961.  It features one of the treasured national artistes, P. Ramlee.  Who by the way, was ostracized and abandoned when he died at the age of 44.  I've watched this movie many times since I was a kid, and it doesn't seem to me to have a plot.  Nobody lives in those kind of long houses around here anymore.  Few people now queue up to use the outhouse and washroom, if any.  But the clothes and the aura are still the same today, outside the city.  You are blessed that I found one on YouTube with subtitles, but I doubt you would be able to follow this movie because many of the jokes are ethnic or insider, so I included its Wikipedia.