Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Hi Natty

How are you today, Honey?  I hope all is well with you.  I don't have much to report today.  It's another lazy day for me, I'm just not motivated to do any labor.  I did my laundry, today is laundry day.  It was a cold, rainy morning.  I like it cold, but my poor cats don't like the cold.  It warmed up in the afternoon, though.  No yard work in the evening, like I said.  I did set up the grass cutter for more work tomorrow perhaps.  Tomorrow I will be fasting.  It's an optional fast, for the day before the Eid which is Friday.  It's a public holiday, but people aren't as fanatical about this Eid as they are about the one at the end of the fasting month.  This Eid marks the end of the Hajj ritual, but I don't think there was a Hajj this year because of the virus.  Anyway, I made poor man's pizza gain, with breadsticks.  I thought it would be an adventure to coat the breadsticks with breadcrumbs, but it wasn't.  It tasted like breadsticks.  Want some?