Sunday, July 2, 2017

Hi Honey

How are you feeling today, my love?  There's nothing much to report today.  We must be grateful for the mundane, because it can really get exhausting when one gets hammered everyday.  I woke up at 5 am.  I don't really like mornings but I have been running out of time lately, so I wake up early, do the morining worship, then try to get as much done in the garden before the sun kicks in.  I planted an "inai" tree today, after the chores.  I trimmed the roses after cleaning up after the cats, watering the plants, and blowing dust out of my house.  Then I retreated into the air conditioning and had an early lunch.  Ooooh, it's time for a nap before voice training.

Natty, I don't mind the cold so much so it would be comfortable for me to be in Canada.  But I've already chosen to root here.  It hardly ever gets cold around here, so Northern women must love the weather here.  Me, I need the A/C to be happy.

Hi Pina!