Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Fashion Connection

I wish I were as beautiful as you.  But I'm not.  Allah gave me some sort of singing voice, but I'm not pretty.  I would never survive as a music video artiste.  But Mary my avatar is beautiful.  Allah made her beautiful.  I've been dressing her up like she's my Barbie doll- I'll have to admit that is my guilty pleasure, is to play with my dolly.  If God allows me into heaven, I'm going to ask to bag this ugly body and look like her, with a big dick of course.  Anyway, she's been attracting a lot of attention with her beauty and her clothes, I've become somewhat of a model.  There are no major fashion designers in Second Life, just common folk with a love for fashion.  So I wear their designs.  Hey, anybody out there who would want me to wear their designs?  I'll wear them if I like them.  You can give me some Lindens, too!

Natty, I wish I were as beautiful as you.

Pina, I wish I were as beautiful as you.