Thursday, July 25, 2024



Hi Gracie!  What are you talking about, Honey?  Tone is in the fingers.  You sound great straight into the amp.  Words don't come easy for you, I suppose.  You're great at guitar, though!  The more I watch you play, the more I realize how deep and sensitive you can get.  You're beautiful, and I love you.  I had a dream of you last night.  You were stretching your feet, preparing them for high heels.  That made me laugh.  You would never wear high heels!  Anyway, all business has its problems.  It's life.  Just deal with or go around them as they come along.  You're doing fine.

The late Queen Elizabeth II was a big fan of Mary Unknown7.  I can't prove it, though.  She was a woman of profound subtlety, especially later in her life.  I wish I could have met her.  She was by far, the prettiest British monarch.