Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130612

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Julia, my beautiful young bride.  You are my girl, my heart, my future.  You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  You are all that I can ever dream of in a girl, and I love you.

There are a lot of things I don't talk about in these letters.  Mostly because since I have no privacy, you and everyone else should see things for yourselves.  Also because I don't have much power.  I'm just a servant of Allah, so I ride the waves of the Power of Allah.  Ya Allah, please grant me a happy and secure marriage with my Julia, and all the toys/tools and means I need to create music that pleases You.

So you must know that I'm locking on to the perfect fond for fried noodles, using entirely local ingredients.  My experience in Italian food takes over here, so my fried noodles is more like a Malay spaghetti, except that I don't use any pasta, tomatoes, or cheese.  Mighty tasty, though.  Praise Allah.  I could easily polish off a wok at a time.  But nobody loves a fat astronaut, so I don't.

Qur'an 20130612

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

142.  The fools among the people will say, What has turned them from their Direction to which they used to face in prayer?  Say, "To Allah belongs both east and west.  God guides whom God wills to the Straight Way."

The Heifer 2:142
To Allah belongs both east and west.  God guides whom God wills to the Straight Way.