Friday, April 29, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160430

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It's raining right now!  Alhamdulillah.  So did you have lots of fun with the LA underground?  How on earth did you get that connection?  It must have been a thrill for you to be an outlaw, when those rent-a-cops shone their flashlights at you, and you fled for your life.  You're so cute, Erin!  No please don't get mad at me, please stay a good girl!  I need you to be safe and protected, if anything happened to you I would be absolutely mortified!  I love you so much.  And I need you.

Tonight is sushi night.  I filleted all that sole yesterday, and I went and got some seaweed sheets this morning, so I'm set to make some sushi.  A few setbacks though: I had a leftover seaweed sheet from a year ago and I couldn't waste that, I used Basmati rice which isn't sticky so there were rice grains spilling all over the place, and I don't have wasabi so I used mustard powder instead.  I used sole, egg, and chives to stuff my rolls.  I should have fried up the skins and fins, but I forgot.  I don't use one of those bamboo roller thingies, I just use my hands.  I left the chives long so they would tickle your nose, and the arrangement looks somewhat like a skyscraper landscape.  Want some?