Saturday, November 10, 2018

Qur'an 20181111

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

72.  A section of the people of the Book say, "Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers but reject it at the end of the day, perchance they may turn back."

73.  "And believe no one unless he follows your religion."  Say, "True guidance is the guidance of Allah, lest a revelation be sent to someone like that which was sent unto you.  Or that those should engage you in argument before your Lord."  Say, "All bounties are in the hand of Allah: God grants them to whom God pleases, and Allah is the All-Caring and All-Knowing."

(The Family of Imran 3:72-73)

Too much dough for my hands?

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  How are you feeling?  Now don't be a stranger.  I hope you are feeling great and having a marvelous time.  I pulled a muscle in my side when pulling out tapioca yesterday.  That bothered me all night, I couldn't even toss and turn!  But I was OK in the morning, alhamdulillah.  I wanted to sleep more, but I had errands to run.  In the evening I had some yard work to do, then I had to make a batch of dough.  I usually use one kilo of flour at a time, and that's 5 times the size of my hand.  Today my Mom wanted me to make dough for her, so I used 2 kilos of flour, which made the dough ball 10 times the size of my hand.  The title is misleading, I was able to handle it just fine, albeit a little tiring.  I don't like to handle other people's dough along with mine though.  I guess I will never become a civil servant, or accountant, or be responsible for other people's money in any way.  I DON'T want to handle other people's money.  And I WON'T.  I refuse.  Whatever money I get must be all mine.  I'm a responsible citizen, inshaAllah.  I give zakat, inshaAllah.  I report regularly to the taxman.

"Rusty" by Cica Ghost