Hi Natty! How are you today, my love? Are you having tons of fun being a supermodel? I hope you are. Please keep yourself safe, and please pray OK? Oh, it's a trying day for me. It didn't start out so bad. It's just when lunch came about, I decided I wanted to try out one of the plants growing in my yard. Called a "munggai" locally (English translation being Horseradish Tree, Drumstick Tree, West Indian band), the locals devour the stuff usually in a curry. I've never had the stuff and since it's fruiting like mad in my yard, I wanted to see what it was like, simply boiled in salt water. It made me sick. Almost ruined my voice training session. This frustrates me, because most of the stuff growing here, in which I put in so much labor, I can't eat. Others get to eat it.
Maybe I prepared it wrong, I don't know. Since I'm getting old, I will probably never eat it again and stick to familiar foods. No, I didn't have any hot dogs today either. I did buy some fish sausage for dinner, which kind of looks like a hot dog. If you are eating hot dogs, then you are just plain everyday folk or you are just plain broke. If you're not used to being broke, be patient before you backtrack and start asking for favors. People generally don't like people who are broke. Perhaps you have an international rock star who loves you. If that's the case, then show the world how beautiful you are and that an international rock star loves you. InshaAllah that would provide you with extra influence when you backtrack and ask for favors.
Azham Abdullah. I blog about the Qur'an, I own a business named Shadowplay, and I am the guardian and representative of a singer named Mary Unknown7. You can hear Mary everyday from 11 pm to 1 am PDT, the stream address is https://www.twitch.tv/maryunknown7