Monday, May 11, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150512

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

My sweet Erin, it is not a blessing that we are apart.  Together we are stronger, inshaAllah.  But we must be patient.  So please wait patiently, and pray as I do, that Allah will bring us together soon.  I love you, and I need you.

Alhamdulillah I managed to escape the flu destroying my voice so far, but I did have to cope with a fever today.  I have so much to do everyday, no wonder I am such a lazy man.  I just wanna snuggle with you.  But today, I had to take it easy during voice training.  Easy songs only.  No Janis Joplin, no Olivia Newton-John, no Sugarcubes, no high pitched songs whatsoever.  In the evening, I pulled down all the fruit from the mango tree at your house inshaAllah.  It is an old tree, and unkempt so it is very tall.  So I had to use an extra long bamboo with a hook, and it was super heavy.  I had to straddle it like I were fishing for bluefin tuna.  My forearm still hurts from the task, and it just barely healed from overworking on the drums.  These mangoes I reaped are for raising hybrid seedlings.  Perlis Harumanis mangoes are becoming world famous.  I was at the night market just now, and I didn't see any at all for sale, and they are supposed to be in season now.  InshaAllah my work will help enrich the local community and glorify Allah at the same time.  I beg of You, ya Allah, to help me and help me finance my marriage and my work.