Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Yet another average day


Hi Natty!  How are you today, Honey?  Is everything OK with you over there?  I hope life is easy for you there, and that you are enjoying yourself.  I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart.  You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, and I will marry you inshaAllah.

Oh, it's another normal day around here for me.  After cleaning my office/bedroom, I rearranged my sound system to plug the subwoofer back in.  I don't use the subwoofer regularly, but now I'm in the process of recording the second part of a 4 part series that began with "Woo Hoo", called "Rise of the Horizon Creature".  I'm thinking about renaming it "Search for the Beast", I guess we'll find out when it's ready inshaAllah.  I had to listen to "Woo Hoo" again because I'm in competition with myself and boy, do I hate the singing I did.  It's a good thing Mary is the singer for Shadowplay now.  I just can't sing as well as her, and people really like her singing.

I made spicy mango dip this morning called "garam belacan".  The usual recipe uses so much damned sugar, I needed a solution that wasn't as sweet.  I harvested and replanted my lemongrass plant in the evening.  I got a bigger harvest than I anticipated, so I'm going to have to give some away.  I'm going to use it to make sauce.  And I discovered that Adolf Kitler doesn't like it when I hold him by the butt and give his balls a good shake.  He responds by giving my big toe a solid chomp.  My big toes aren't as strong as yours, so I can't avoid the punishment.  Serves me right, huh?

Mary's avatar looks like Scarlett Johansson today.  Do you agree?