Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Yet another another average day


Hi Natty!  Natty, you're so pretty.  Nice shirt.  And an even nicer neck.  I want to kiss and lick that neck.  I don't look good in everything and anything like you, but polo shirts seem to work for me.  I don't need to iron them either, which is handy.  Would you like to try wearing a sarong next?  A sarong should go well with your polo shirt.

Dammit, I hate the latest Second Life update!  I hate it when they force you to update, then the program runs worse.  I had to use Firestorm today for Mary Unknown7's session.  I had to update that too, but at least it's workable.  Maybe Second Life is telling me to get a new computer, but who's going to pay for it?  Them?