It wasn't the fresh tofu and fish balls that hurt my stomach yesterday, it was some fruit. I know that because I ate more tofu and fish balls later that night, and there was no problem. So you are an endorser of food products? What if you bought some food from a merchant, knowing full well that people would take interest in what you eat. Then you get a stomach ache and you told somebody that so-and-so food gave you a stomach ache. Later you discover that something else caused the upset stomach. What would you do?
1. First off, I would correct the facts to the person/entity I gave the misinformation to.
2. If I dared, I would buy or eat more of the food that I first suspected to be the problem, to make absolutely sure that it wasn't the problem.
3. Make a public statement about the food that DID cause the problem.
After all, people do need to know what is being sold out there that is hazardous right? Do you agree that that would be the right thing to do? What would YOU do, Natty?
It's almost Independence Day here in Malaysia. This year the government has been giving out many handouts because of the Covid, plus the usual welfare payout known as the BSH. Being that I am about 15 grand below poverty level, I qualify and I applied for these handouts, but I didn't receive a cent. I don't think it's likely that the government would overlook me, not just because of the music mashaAllah but also because I report to the taxman routinely. Most likely, the payment got intercepted somehow. God knows. Maybe they didn't pay me on purpose.