Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sailor Saturn

Aw Erin, please don't sad.  Please don't be blue.  You are beautiful, and I love you.  I will marry you inshaAllah.  So please be patient, and pray.  Don't you get the feeling that somehow someway we are getting closer and closer?  I feel it.  Today is Sunday, and like every Sunday, I've been busy all day.  It's sunset now, and I'm finally getting a chance to really slow down.  It's the middle of the day that's an issue: I need to be rested for voice training, otherwise I won't feel and sound good.  Yeah I'm lazy, but I can get pretty militant about my nap before voice training.  So I was tolerably rested today, and I sang OK.  The menu is dull today.  Curry pups, fry bread and marinara sauce.  This current batch of marinara sauce is awesome, though.  So totally tasty.  So totally vegetarian.  So simple, too.  I have to keep making it this way, but I like to experiment with marinara sauces.  Experimentation keeps life interesting.

Hi Natty honey!  I can't tell who is in that snapshot you took.  I'm sure you know that you need some kind of front lighting for night shots.  Even with long exposures.  A cell phone should light up the face adequately, or if your cell phone is busy then you might think about carrying some sort of pocket led light.  I think somebody makes a credit card shaped led light.  Wasn't Hansel an all-around talented guy in the movie?  I think Derek and Hansel were badly cast in that movie.  Too ugly to be male models.  But I don't like male models anyway, so I guess I don't really care.

Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn is SO ABSOLUTELY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!