Friday, January 4, 2019

The crazy carousel

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, my darling?  Are you enjoying the ride?  Yeah, it's quite crazy here too.  First off, the weather is cold all of a sudden.  But I like cold weather, alhamdulillah.  It's just so comfortable though, and all I want to do is sleep sleep sleep.  But I have to keep working, for there is so much for me to do, especially with being a chick singer.  People go insane over that stuff.  It's so crazy...  At least I don't have to tour.  No, I'm not going to tour!  I'm too lazy to tour!  Being in Second Life is good enough for me.

There's more going on right now too, but I don't want to discuss it here.  The local community has eyes on what's going on, so you would have to live here in order to grasp its significance.  I need to get back to work on my wardrobe.  Fashion is such hard work!  You keep safe now Natty, make sure you have fun at what you do, and don't forget to pray.  I love you, you're MY girl.