Monday, June 5, 2017

Oh Ramadan

Wow Erin, I really love that photo.  You are so beautiful.  You are so beautiful to me.  I want to start using those cosmetics, so I can be beautiful too.  How are you feeling, my dearest?  I hope you are not letting the crowd bring you down.  It's getting rather crowded around here.  While this is still a village, there are more people here during Ramadan.  Everyday there are many stalls selling food at the crossroads, and a throng of people buy their dinner there.  Especially those coming home from their 9 to 5 jobs.  I haven't bought anything there yet this year because I prefer my own cooking, but I did buy some squid at the night market there last night.  Fried calamari!  But not last night.  Last night I had fish curry with rice.  Quite good, actually.

Now don't fret, Natty.  It's just that you are so beautiful, of course guys are going to go crazy over you.  Walking around campus isn't like walking the streets: people get to see you close up.  Then they go "Wow!  She's incredible!"  Then they look at your bedroom photos, become sexually aroused, and covet you more.  I guess you might as well be a professional model.  Just be careful with those boys from campus, OK?

Yes that's a beautiful photo of you, Pina.  I remember when I saw some earlier photos of you, when you looked so thin.  I thought that they purposely made you starve, so that your hardship would bring out your dark side, which to them is more interesting to photograph.