Friday, June 19, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150620

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Heather Erinton!  How are you feeling right now?  Are you having a good time being a Global Citizen?  Better the world than New York City, I say.  Broaden your resources.  Is it true that New York City is going bankrupt?  Anyway, I apologize for not watching the NBA final round.  I'm not much of a sports fan: the only sport I really like is ladies figure skating, and even then I don't really keep up with it.  Watching sports would have more meaning to me if I were watching sports with you.  I'm a sports wife: I'm actually supporting you.

Right now it's 7 pm, and about half an hour before breaking fast.  I did some burning this evening and I just took a shower, and I'm watching TV and waiting to break my fast.  I picked up some dates at the mosque last night.  The Prophet (peace be on him) recommends breaking fast with dates.  My Mom gave me some bananas and watermelon, and I cooked up a sausage calzone, the usual stuff.  I didn't make a portion for you because you haven't been showing up for dinner, and I didn't want to have to eat your portion (even though I could) because I didn't want to have to go to the bathroom when I'm trying to conduct worship tonight.  They've been finishing prayer at about 10:30 pm this year, so it's a good thing that I'm writing now so I can go to sleep right when I get home tonight, plus I have something to do while I wait.  This morning before dawn I woke up too late to prepare rice, so it was just a block of tofu swimming in sauce with an egg on top, eaten with sliced bread.

I pray you are getting lots of rest, and are feeling healthy and confident.  I wish you were here with me, but please know in your heart that I love you very much, and I need you.