Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Qur'an 20220323

 In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

30.  And they set up equals to Allah, to mislead from the Path!  Say, "Enjoy!  But verily you are making straightway for hell!"

Abraham 14:30

Addicted to snacks


Oh, Misty Mountains!  Are you still in Utah, Natty?  No, I never marched up and down steep wooded slopes like that.  SLC suburbs are built on the hillsides, and I had to go uphill to the recording studio and downhill to the pizza joint.  It's much easier to march and read a book at the same time if you were marching on a road.

Are you addicted to snacks, Natty?  I had lunch downtown today and when I got back, Adolf Kitler @ Mr. Meower was moaning incessantly because he didn't get any snacks for lunch.  But I brought back some produce!  No, cats don't like fresh vegetables.  What was I supposed to do, put him in the motorcycle basket and take him with me to Omar's for rice vermicelli soup?  Later, I caught Lookie @ Princess Purrer ripping through empty plastic bags looking for tidbits.  Don't shred those, I need to recycle them!  Yes, they get enough cat food.  I'm afraid my cats are addicted to snacks.  I gave them some snacks for dinner, then I let them lick the wok.  Are you addicted to snacks, Natty?  Please don't get bloated!

Mary's outfit today is:

::DS:: Alien Lips Purple

!!BH!!Moira's sling back pumps v13

Alli&Ali Designs Leia Hair

CR - Enchant Earrings - Blue Topaz

{RF} Refugee Fashion Purple Floral Backless Gown

Here are my picks from the Dsquared2 SPRING 2022 READY-TO-WEAR collection: