Thursday, February 2, 2017

Attention Grabbers

You sure know how to grab all the attention.  It's because you're so beautiful.  And you're MY girl.  Mine, mine, MINE.  I couldn't tell what is was you had been eating, perhaps next time you should take a photo before you dig in.  You know, if you didn't clean your plate, people might think you didn't enjoy your food.  Just kidding!  You're so beautiful.  Who cares what they think.

Hi Canada!  How's business?  Oh, is everybody talking about you?  From what I can tell, most of it is positive.  But who cares what they say, you're so beautiful.  Don't worry Sweetie, have fun!  I have some cotton buds, I'll help you clean your ears out.

Oh, you suddenly want lots of attention too, Pina?  What happened to the stay-in-the-background Nowhere Girl?  Did you suddenly realize that you like being showered with attention?  Don't seek attention, Sweetie.  Take some photos of your food instead.  I want to see it.