Monday, July 15, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130716

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.


Hi Julia, my beloved.  I'm sorry I didn't make it in to blog yesterday.  I never forget you, for I love you so much.  You are the most beautiful girl in the world.  But I just didn't feel well yesterday, so I stayed out of sight.  Or it could be that it was too dangerous to travel yesterday.  Or it could be that there was a gang of crazed women out to get me.  Whatever it was, I posted yesterday's letter for you to read, if you like.  I wish you were with me, for it would be so much simpler for me for you to share my experiences, rather than my having to say I'm sorry I didn't write.  But please understand that I can only think of your well being, so I cannot have you marry into my poverty.  Please pray that Allah grants me the means soon to give you a happy and secure married life.

Letter to Julia 20130715

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia, my beauty.  Are you trying to take it easy, and slow down?  I know it's not easy, but that's what makes it so great!  Be one of the few who don't rush around just for the sake of it.  Well, that's the goal of our marriage, is to slow down, and enjoy our lives and love together.  I'm trying to slow down.  It's the fasting month, after all.  Today, I started off after waking up with feeding the cats, took a shower, then fetched my Dad's Sunday paper, vacuumed my parents' bedroom, cleaned their bathroom,  swept the kitchen, scrubbed the cat bowl, took a nap before my 2 hour voice training, gave the cats dinner, went to town to do some shopping for my Mom, watered the yards, went to buy some food for breaking fast, went to the mosque to pick up some rice gruel, took a shower, went back to the mosque to drop off some cakes, heated up my food, broke fast with my Mom, went to the mosque for additional prayers, and I just got back and now I'm writing my love letter to my Julia, all without missing my regular prayers.  Hey, I usually don't work this hard.  I'm lazy.  I'd rather be snuggling with my Julia, and making love.  But we can only make love at night during Ramadan.  Oh no, I have ironing to do!  I hate ironing!