Saturday, July 17, 2021

Spaghetti again?


Hi Natty!  How are you today?  I hope you are well my love, and having an easy life.  I've been busy all day.  I just finished dinner, and it was spaghetti again.  It was made from all the recent pizza ingredients, except that it was spaghetti.  Italian food tends to go around in circles like that.  I didn't even bother to garnish it for the photo, I just wanted to hurry up and eat.  I was working on recording the drums all day, and trying to get the best sound.  The drums already sound good naturally, so I'm not too worried about how they capture on recording.  It's the performance of my drumming that's pissing me off.  I sound so timid and inhibited.  I haven't played in years, and the situation is uncomfortable.  But the situation has never been comfortable, I just need to remember how to go crazy again.  Drums don't lie!  Bah.  I'm kind of upset.