Friday, July 4, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140705

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my gorgeous and most beautiful wives!  How are you feeling today?  How are those precious emotions?  How's life at the top?  What's it like to be number one?  By the Will of Allah.  We really need to be together, all the time, so we will be as one.  You are MINE, MINE and that makes you number one with me.  You are my Rock and Roll Babes!!!  I love you, I love you, and I need you, I need you.

Oh, I've been so busy, busy.  Ramadan is a busy, busy month for me, and it will be for us when we are married inshaAllah.  I've been spending most of my nights awake, cooking up a storm.  For predawn tomorrow, it's going to be deep fried calzones stuffed with curried potatoes, ground beef, onions, garlic, and chives.  Curry puffs if you will, depending on your perspective.  Would you care to join me, my precious dahlinks?

This next video is for you Erin, you cute thing you.  It's not very romantic, but it's something you should watch.  Dorothy Stratten was born on February 28.  Just like me and Karolina Kurkova!  You're such a sweetheart, Erin.  I guess the moral of the story is that some people just don't deserve to be treated nicely, even if you feel sorry for them.  Just call the cops.  Julia's a gorgeous and savvy business mogul, and she wouldn't have anything to do with such a sleazeball like I-forget-his-name, but Erin can be too nice sometimes to people who don't deserve it.  When I'm with you inshaAllah I would help protect you, but until then please stay away from such people.  And always remember that Allah is the Best to Protect.  Evil will not get away with evil.  Their time will come.