Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Oh how mysterious

Hi beautiful Erin!  Hi Honey, how are you today?  How's work?  I guess everybody is trying to hook you up.  Wow, they are so concerned about their American Princess.  Well, I hope I am man enough for you.  Let me flex... (flexes).  Hm... I skipped workout today.  But I did labor in my mother's garden this morning, and I did cut the grass in the evening.  Ah, maybe you would like some dinner?  I made spicy eggplant with mini pocket breads and crunchy anchovies.  It was yummy!

Hey Natty Honey, I've been pondering on that photo you posted, the one of your sitting on a short wall and blending in with the forest.  Maybe you should have kept working, then you would definitely be standing out.  But whatever the case, you will not be able to escape attention because you are MY girl.  MashaAllah.  Anyway, today the computer wants you to watch "X-Men: First Class" from 2011.  This is my least liked X-Men movie.  I don't really like any of the X-Men movies, except maybe "Logan", compared to the comic books- they really should have been truer to the Uncanny X-Men comics, issues 120-213.  The best years.  The best stories.