Thursday, April 19, 2018

The curse of the chick singer

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  I hope everything is running smoothly for you, with no problems.  I slept in this morning after the dawn prayer, it was nice and comfortable.  But I had to crank on chores, because I had to go downtown to pick up my Dad's prescription.  Girls were behaving kookier than usual today, but what's normal anyway?  Beats me.  I was going to talk about the curse of the chick singer, but I changed my mind.  I didn't want you to get mad at me.  You're always mad at me about something or other, huh?  Please forgive me.  😁

Hey Natty Honey!  Your sister is a singer, right?  Well, singers generally have it easier than other musicians, but a singer is a musician nonetheless, and a musician's life is a hard one.  I don't recommend it.  Are you back in school?  Study hard, Princess.  Do great at school, OK?