Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Is it love or is it conscription?

Hi Erin and Natty.  My aunt and uncle came to visit me today, and we drove over to their fruit orchard.  They said the locals want me to marry a local woman, seeing that my American and Canadian wives and their families leave me in destitution.  I say I don't want your money.  In Islam, it is the husband's job to pay for the wives.  Besides, I prefer blondes.  As for destitution, seeing that my PayPal balance remains at zero, it doesn't matter whether you are local or from whatever country, you are all the same to me.  You all treat me the same.  And since I'm not allowed to ask, the only option left is to die for love.

So we talked and picked fruit, and I came back with a bag of "dukong" which is a grape-like fruit, which is sweet and similar in texture to grapes except for the peel, the occasional large pit, and the segments like oranges.  I ate too much fruit.  It gave me diarrhea.