Friday, October 19, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121020

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there, my beloved young Julia!  You are my beautiful princess!  I pray you are taking good care of yourself, that you are eating properly, and getting sufficient rest.  I'm making rice and steak in lime leaves, onions and peppers.  No, there isn't a portion for you tonight.  Besides, you never show up for dinner.  But it's not that, if steak is on the menu, and I keep on eating your portion, then I'll bloat much faster.  I'm old enough as it is, and my metabolism has slowed down.  Or maybe I just don't feel like sharing.  I love you anyhows, and when you do start showing up for dinner, I'll prepare enough steak.  Good cuts of beef today, too.  Very juicy.

As I mentioned before, what I am forced to do right now is to sing as a sort of community service.  But it is the right thing to do, praise Allah, to create something good for everyone here instead of being enslaved.  It would be wonderful to destroy the current system of entertainment industry, which is thoroughly evil.  Allah can do that, do you have faith?  Whether I submit to or resist them, the global situation remains, with all its danger.  So I might as well resist them, and create something good for the community, a situation that glorifies Allah and kicks the butt of global mass media.  InsyaAllah.  I don't feel or think that I am anybody special, Julia.  It is my responsibility to serve Allah with what Allah has given me.  I don't expect these people to treat me any better than the atheists and the pagans treated me while I was in America.  And they don't.  Allah has been a better friend, and protects better, so I seek to please Allah.  Perhaps soon Allah will grant me my own wealth so I can give you a good married life.  Ya Allah, please protect and bless us here in this situation, who serve and adore You.