Saturday, October 24, 2020

Fried noodles

 Hi Natty!  How's it going?  I hope you are healthy and peaceful.  Is there a lot of snow there yet?  It doesn't snow here, but it's not obnoxiously hot right now.  The weather cooled down since morning.  Allah gave me the evening off again, so I made my dinner slowly.  It's actually very enjoyable and relaxing to cook very slowly.  Of course it's not practical in food service to take an hour to fry up one wok of noodles, but I don't work in a restaurant anymore!  Thank God!  I don't miss it one bit.  So I made some fried noodles.  It looks like the stock photo below, but my version has chicken and prawn fritter cake along with the other stuff.  There were a couple of grains of sand in the plankton sized shrimp that I used to make the prawn fritter cake, but otherwise my fried noodles were a success.  At least it stopped me from over-eating.  I could put down a whole wok of noodles.  Not easily, but I could.  Next time if I'm going to use that kind of shrimp, I will need to take the time to sift it first.  Want some fried noodles?  My recipe is great when cold.  Perfect for a midnight snack.