Sunday, December 20, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151221

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**sniffle**  I'm writing this letter later than usual because all that smoke and dust gave me the sniffles.  **sniffle**  I spent almost 2 hours draining my sinus cavity and struggling through the sunset and night prayers with a glass cup and a roll of toilet paper for company.  I started to get the sniffles before I had voice training, but that didn't stop me from finishing my set, even though I wasn't feeling 100%.  I think I got most of the snot out, so I should be ready to work tomorrow inshaAllah.  I can't sing at all with a stuffed up nose or sore throat.

If you didn't already know, I believe that infected sinus fluids are extremely dangerous, and the best way to get rid of them is to empty out the sinus cavity.  So I let it all drip into a cup, which amounts to about a quarter cup of snot, until the vacuum gives me a headache.  The only medication I take is a couple of aspirin to remedy the headache.  The sinus fluids will be renewed, so it's important to remove all of the infected stuff, otherwise it will infect the new fluids.

Sorry to be so gross.  If possible I prefer to doctor myself than to put my life in the hands of a stranger.  I wasn't always this way, just a couple of bad experiences wised me up to my situation.  I won't do the same for you, though.  You will have to go to hospital, but at least I will be there to keep an eye on suspicious doctors inshaAllah.  Meanwhile, please try to stay healthy.  I love you, and I need you.  **sniffle**