Thursday, February 8, 2018

Egg salad

Egg salad is a salad, right?  It's got the word "salad" in it, so it must be a salad.  So for today's salad, I made egg salad, with chopped celery and onions.  Of course it tastes great, I used Heinz's salad cream.  I also sauteed up some Chinese cabbage with chopped eggplant and garlic.  To be eaten with fresh tortillas.  But does this qualify as Erin food?  Oh, not the tortillas.  Next time I'll use large leaves instead of tortillas.  But not today though- I need a break from eating leaves until my mouth stops hurting.
Natty Sweetie, your movie assignment for today is "Sherlock Holmes Faces Death" from 1944.  Oh you don't have to hunt and pay for this movie Honey, it's on YouTube!  Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce were perfectly cast as Holmes and Watson, but the scripts were so awful it ruined the movies they made.  The producers tried too hard to be "contemporary".  However, this movie came close to the dreary, haunted English mansion feel that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle portrayed.  Which ironically, is contemporary to good old England in 2018.