Sunday, May 31, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150601

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin!  Busy, busy?  Well, try to relax, and get enough rest.  There's always something to do around here.  This morning, I cleaned my mother's bedroom and bathroom.  It's hard getting started, because I always sleep late every night then get up early.  Sometimes I get up extra early to do extra worship. Then when I wake up, I have to warm up my feet then take care of my cats and plants first.  Now it's mango season, so I have a mango for breakfast, otherwise I just put off eating until lunch.  I'm so swamped nowadays.  But for what?  I'm already where I'm supposed to be.  I wanted to fill up more peat pots this evening, but it rained heavily.  All this weather distortion, the credit goes to Allah.  Me, I have to take the elevator to get to the same floor: I can't even get started!  Ya Allah, please be gracious to me in my case, and make my path easy.

I didn't get around to making sausage and chili last night because I was totally worn out, so that's what I did this evening instead of yard work.  My sausage wasn't red enough: I need to buy dried hot peppers.  The chili was good.  I had to have 3 bowls.  The cats didn't respond at all to the sound of a can of beans being opened.  They just had a bored look on their face.  What's the difference between beans and peas?  What a mystery.  I think I have an explanation, but it's nothing I would print here.  But now my freezer is full with quick meals, and tomorrow for dinner is steak and fries.  Come on over, Erin!  I'll split my dinner with you.  Mwah!  I love you, and I need you.