Sunday, June 14, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150615

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Are you mad at me again?  You probably have good reason, and I don't blame you.  I still can't afford to buy you a ring, and to build your house.  Please forgive me, and be patient with me.  I have no choice but to live for Allah.  It's because of this music, you see.  Whatever happens, please know that you are my girl, and I love you, and I need you.  I want to marry you.

---- has always been the runt of the family.  She was always the last to get to a nipple and needed help to get there, and going into heat gave her such a hammering each time.  But she managed to grow up into a beautiful little kitty, a little waif girl.  Yesterday evening, she was eating normally and had lots of energy.  Then this morning, Sunday at 5:30 am, she didn't want to eat her breakfast.  She was in heat all week so I didn't think too much of it.  Then at 8 am, I noticed she had trouble breathing.  I found it was serious: she had pneumonia.  To fall ill on a weekend around here is death for a cat, because the vet is closed.  And there was nothing I could do, but watch her die.  She drew her last breath at 10 am.  It happened so quickly, she was still so soft and beautiful when she died.  There was no fever, no stuffed nose, nothing but a swift pneumonia.  There was so much water in her lungs Erin, it was pouring out.  It were as if she had drowned.  Which is perplexing to me, because she spent her whole life indoors, and my house is warm and dry.  I buried her by a banana tree at your house inshaAllah.  When I went to pick her body up to put her down into her grave, she was lying in a puddle of water.  Poor little kitty, I loved her so much.  From Allah is our origin, and to Allah is our return.  I hate losing a cat.  It's one of the worst feelings on earth.  4 days before Ramadan. 

There are no coincidences, so you may be wondering what Allah means by this.  I think I know.