Saturday, February 24, 2018

My life to give

Yes Honey, it would have been so much simpler if I had the money, don't you think?  You would have had a ring, a house, kids perhaps, and a long time ago to boot.  But since that isn't the case, what's left is my life to give.  I put everything I have on the line.  But not to the humans: I give it all to God.  Because I seek my reward from God, that I be married, safely married, and happily married.  The good news is, I did have some extra money today so I went and got the fixings for chocolate mousse.  That is some expensive stuff, but I had to get the best chocolate.  Whipped cream is so expensive in this town.  I thought of buying strawberries as a garnish, but I didn't.  Could you believe that they didn't have glass bowls at the supermarket?  So I bought a stone bowl instead.  I'm just going to let it all sit in the fridge until next month.  Hey, maybe you would like to come have chocolate mousse with me early next month?

Hi Natty honey!  How's school?  I hope you are doing well and having a great time.  Oh, no movie assignment today.  You should be watching your own movies, and all the time too.  Study with a movie on.