Monday, April 8, 2019

The situation

Hello there, my lovely Ladies.  How are you today?  I pray that you are living in exhilarating, comfortable and luxury circumstances.  That being the perks of being the love of an international rock star chick singer.  I do love my wives.  I wish I could be with you, but I have to work for it is my job to pay for you and take care of you.  I do my best to guide you, as Allah guides me inshaAllah, to make lots of money for yourselves, because you are my wives inshaAllah.  So please be certain of what this situation is, and give thanks to Allah.  For it is the situation that is interesting.  The music, the geography, and the love, by the Will of Allah.  I hope you are making lots of money for yourselves, and it is all your money.  I don't want any of your hard earned money.  Right now, all I have is enough money to sustain my work every day and to get bloated.  So I've been strictly guarding my eating habits.  Just 2 meals a day, and the only sugar I have is in my coffee which I drink 40 minutes into voice training.

Want some tea?  I drink so much iced tea that I've started drinking it without sugar.  But I just bought a 1.5 liter bottle of Coca-Cola.  Oh well.