Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Hi Natty!  Oh, you have more photos from the WSJ mag.  Quality business attire, nonetheless.  You look absolutely sparkling, my love.  I never thought that a tube top would be office wear though. 

I got a couple of new kittens today.  I found them huddled up together at my mother's house this morning.  They don't smell feral, I think somebody must have dumped them there.  They have ear mites and some fleas, so I took care of that and gave them a bath.  A brother and sister, both very much attached to each other.  So I brought them inside since I'm such a sucker for cats and as you would guess, Floofy and Lookie didn't like it one bit.  The female, the grey and white one, has the same markings as one of Floofy's kittens that died 4 years ago from pneumonia.  So I named her Lily 2.  I haven't thought of a name for her brother yet, just Lily's brother.  Of course the first thing Floofy did to Lily is punch her on the left eye.  It swelled up a little, but I think she's going to be OK inshaAllah.  So now there is high tension in my house, but the kittens seem to be comfortable.