Hi Natty! Wassap Honey? How's the family? These are exciting times, that's for sure. These are the best years of your life. Don't worry so much OK! Please stay with me, there's more to come. Keep safe and healthy.
My feet hurt today. Well, they hurt everyday. All the labor I've done in my life has cost me my Hajj. I can walk around the house, I can walk around the yard, I can walk around the supermarket, but I'm not going to be able to walk 7 revolutions around the Kaaba. Safa and Marwah. Arafat. Hey, I don't need to justify myself to God! Allah knows what I can and cannot do! The irony is that I need to keep walking, or my feet will die. Just like a computer that has been working continuously for years then it is stopped for a while, it won't come back to life. Oh don't worry so much. I keep ticking because Allah keeps me ticking.
Mary's outfit is:
*Sexy Style* Zamira Skirt Brown ripped jeans
-FABIA- Mesh Hair <Rima>
Blueberry - SL17B - Lace Trim Tops
R.icielli - ELSA High Heels
I like this guy. The black model on the black Chinese backdrop is very clever indeed. Here are my picks from the Andrew Gn collection: