Sunday, June 5, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110606

Dearest Julia, are you finally receiving ample evidence of our global love affair? It's more than merely "global" my dearest: it is spiritual, supernatural, and timeless. Most blondes would run screaming for cover by now, in spite of agreements and promises. I pray you will stay by my side.

Wasn't it Helen of Troy that caused a war from having men fight over her? This is not your situation Julia, but it is as intense as yours. God knows, and I know, how much grief the babble of others gives you. It is not you, or me, that they reject: it is the Signs of God that they condemn. If it were God's Will, they would be guided, so don't YOU be swayed by ignorance.

**sigh** I knew this year would be tough. I hate politics.

Qur'an 20110606

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

35. If their spurning is hard on your mind, yet if you were able to seek a tunnel in the ground, or a ladder to the skies, and bring them a Sign... If it were Allah's Will, God could gather them together unto true guidance. So be not you amongst those who are swayed by ignorance!

36. Those who listen, be sure, will accept. As to the dead, Allah will raise them up: then will they be returned unto God.

37. They say, "Why is not a Sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say, "Allah has certainly Power to send down a Sign but most of them understand not."

38. There is not an animal on the earth, nor a bird on its wings, but communes like you. Nothing have We omitted from the Book, and they shall be gathered to their Lord in the end.

The Cattle 6:35-38

Allah has certainly Power to send down a Sign but most of them understand not.

It is not the Plan of Allah to save everybody. Why bother saving the unfaithful, the hypocrites, the murderers, the cruel and oppressive power-mongers, the roving plunderers, the greedy bankers? Why bother saving the whining skeptics, who constantly bitch about the existence of God? Why bother?

Let them bitch and whine as they toss around naked in a giant saute pan in the next life. Now, that's entertainment.