Sunday, June 5, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110606

Dearest Julia, are you finally receiving ample evidence of our global love affair? It's more than merely "global" my dearest: it is spiritual, supernatural, and timeless. Most blondes would run screaming for cover by now, in spite of agreements and promises. I pray you will stay by my side.

Wasn't it Helen of Troy that caused a war from having men fight over her? This is not your situation Julia, but it is as intense as yours. God knows, and I know, how much grief the babble of others gives you. It is not you, or me, that they reject: it is the Signs of God that they condemn. If it were God's Will, they would be guided, so don't YOU be swayed by ignorance.

**sigh** I knew this year would be tough. I hate politics.

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