Monday, October 25, 2021



Hi Natty!  How are you?  How's business?  I hope you are handling life and work well.  It's business as usual over here for me.  It's Monday, and everyone seems to be rushing around and standing in line to take care of business.  See that old house up there?  I need to buy the land (and the land where I'm living now, which is at the end of that rubber hose), tear down the old house, and build a new house for my wife in order to get married.  So I need to remind everyone, if I failed to build a house here for my wife, then I will be forced to move out of this village in order to get married.

Yes I need to be married to my Natty, and today I'm very grumpy about it.  People may argue that Allah will take care of me, but it may be that Allah will do something different altogether, something that no one would enjoy.  So what did I do today?  I went downtown this morning to pick up my mother's prescription.  I went to the big supermarket and bought 3 bars of soap and a couple bags of potato chips.  Okra was dirt cheap, so I bought some of that.  I had lunch downtown, that's where I found out my cousin had just passed away.  I made white rice for dinner.  I sautéed onions in soy sauce, then mixed them with okra chunks.  I topped the rice with that, and topped all that with eggs fried in hot sauce.  Dinner was acceptable.  It was certainly better than yesterday's slop.  That was my Monday.  Business as usual.