Sunday, January 13, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130113

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia.  Something tells me you are very busy nowadays, so please get sufficient food and rest, and please maintain your prayers.  I have been feeling feverish again, particularly during the day today.  I took a couple of aspirin, so I should be OK, insyaAllah.  I went to my brother's place for dinner.  I had steamboat, I suppose it's a sort of shabu-shabu, y'know where you get served a hot broth on a personal fire, and you cook stuff in it.  Except that this is a combination of a Mongolian/Korean type BBQ, so you can grill stuff as well as boil it in the broth.  It's fun for a social dinner.  I'll take you there someday InsyaAllah, after all, it is my brother's place.