Monday, August 12, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130813

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia!  How are you, Sweetie?  How's the most beautiful girl in the world?  I'm just hanging out at home, writing a love letter to my sweetie.  I have my joystick hooked up the the computer, and about 100 N64 games on the hard drive.  Remember those?  Sure, the graphics don't match up to today's games, but some of them are really fun.  Something to waste time with, until Allah gives me a bottomless supply of money, inshaAllah.  Then I have to get busy getting married.  Plus other stuff.  Please pray with me that Allah grants me that soon.

I went to the night market just now, and bought some chicken and soybean milk.  I bought the chicken from those 2 kids I told you about, only this time their mom was there.  I'm very fussy about my chicken meat.  I only eat white meat.  Well, I sometimes have chicken liver (which is 10 times cheaper than beef liver), and chicken wings, but otherwise I only like white meat.  Well, I save the bones for soups and curries, and I separate the skin for a nice crispy fried snack to be tossed or dipped in hot sauce.  Sort of like chicken wings without the wings.

Qur'an 20130813

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

165.  What!  When a single disaster smites you, although you smote with one twice as great, do you say, "Whence is this?"  Say, "It is from yourselves, for Allah has Power over all things."

166.  What you suffered on the day the two armies met was with the leave of Allah, in order that God might test the believers.

167.  And the hypocrites also.  These were told, "Come fight in the way of Allah, or repel them."  They said, "Had we known there would be a fight, we should have certainly followed you."  They were that day nearer to unbelief than to faith, saying with their lips what was not in their hearts.  But Allah has full knowledge of all they conceal.

The Family of Imran 3:165-167
It is from yourselves, for Allah has Power over all things.