Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Letter to Julia 20131030

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

There is another issue connected to your clothes dryer Julia my beloved, namely ventilation.  Clothes dryers emit hot exhaust, which in the West is generally channeled through aluminum tubing.  Of course, we can punch a hole in the wall (with the proper contractors and material), but I think it would be wiser and more economical to have a system of ventilation for the entire house.  The kitchen would need a vent for the stove top and oven, which could be connected to the clothes dryer vent.  In Malaysia, rooms are generally divided by brick, not dry wall panels with frames.  I don't know why, but every house here is like that, except for the houses that are made of wood.  So, any ventilation tubing will have to punch through brick, so I think you should plan your kitchen and laundry room side-by-side for minimal construction issues.  We can probably experiment with a kitchen and dryer vent system in this little house, but once installed it cannot be removed, so we would have to install a separate system for Casa de Julia.  InshaAllah.  Perhaps you might want to add a fireplace for cold nights and indoor BBQs.  No BBQs when you're pregnant!  Burning animal fat is a mutagen!

Erin my dearest, the Qur'an is more powerful than any book of magic.  This is because it is not magic, but the Word of God.  Allah is the Reality, just as much as there be people who believe in Allah is reality, as much as there be people who reject Allah is reality.  I find it funny that humans would rather believe in sorcery over God.  Allah has Power over all.  Glory to Allah.  Both of you please do not socialize with people who babble ignorantly about Islam unless they turn to a different topic.

Qur'an 20131030

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

63.  Say, "Who is it that delivers you from the dark recesses of the land and sea, when you call upon God in humility, and in silent terror; 'If God only delivers us from these, we shall truly show our gratitude.'?"

64.  Say, "It is Allah that delivers you from these, and all distresses, yet you worship false gods."

65.  Say, "God has power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance, each from the other."  See how We explain the Signs in various ways, that they may understand.

66.  But your people reject this, though it is the Truth.  Say, "Not mine is the responsibility for arranging your affairs."

The Cattle 6:63-66

Who is it that delivers you from the dark recesses of the land and sea, when you call upon God in humility, and in silent terror; 'If God only delivers us from these, we shall truly show our gratitude.'?

It is Allah that delivers you from these, and all distresses, yet you worship false gods.

God has power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance, each from the other.

Not mine is the responsibility for arranging your affairs.