Saturday, September 18, 2021

Steak and hummus calzones with curry dip


Hi Natty!  Hi there, you beautiful creature!  What's going on?  I hope all is cool with you.  Are you hungry?  I made some steak and hummus calzones with curry dip for dinner.  Yeah, I had to use up all that hummus I made.  I actually tried making hummus calzones before, but it tasted incomplete.  I so decided to push it further by adding meat and curry.  It probably would have worked if I put the curry inside the calzone, but this way is a little more civilized don't you think?  The dip is just mixed curries that I bought from Embun's restaurant at the crossroads.  That's where I usually buy my lunch when I'm too lazy to cook.  The calzones came out nicely, I think.  Nice and round.  They're about fist-sized, maybe smaller.  Want one?