Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Hi Natty.  Are you doing OK today?  I hope all is well with you, and you are keeping your safety and good health.  I guess I'm in somewhat of a fightin' mood today.  Perlis is a poor state with few natural resources, so her children up and move to the big city to find better fortune.  Allah commanded me to stand my ground here and after many years, it's becoming obvious with more and more witnesses, that the music generates revenue for the locals.  Some people believe that all wealth belongs to them, and have tried to oust me many times, for those of you who have been paying attention.  MashaAllah I am still here and alive, and still able to make music.  Next I believe they are after my transportation.  All I have is a motorcycle, which I use to run errands for my parents, buy supplies and pay bills.  So enjoy the show, folks.  The world is watching.

Here are some more nice snapshots from the How does your avatar look today ? thread: